
Digital Producer

Specialised in Business Development & Innovation

Dutch Design Week 2022

Installation Design
UX Research & Design
Creative Coding

 The concept explores the idea "Can we imagine a future in which buildings are intelligent and interactive?" With Fontys Hogeschool ICT I designed and developed a Dyanmic Identity for the buildings.

What if people can visualize their thoughts? If we can see how busy our mind is at all times, if we can see how everything around us is pushing us around rather than us staying still and watching everything happening around us, it might increase our awareness of ourselves. The installation acts as a medium that helps user disidentify from the thoughts and in return for a more conscious, mindful life.

On the surface the user seems to be having a seemingly basic conversation with the building, while in a deeper sense, the building is guiding the user to realise the essence of meditation, which is, seeing their thoughts, turning the invisible subconscious mind into tangible object, realising its existence consciously letting it go.